a welcoming, inclusive worshiping community in the Lutheran tradition
Virtual and in-person Gatherings
8:30 a.m. Bible Class (in-person)
9:30 a.m. Worship (online and in-person)
10:30 a.m. Coffee and Fellowship
1:00 p.m. Coffee Break (online only)
9:00 a.m. Worship Service
12:00 p.m. Bible Study (online only)
Scroll down for online worship
About this service
The color red signals a celebration! On the church calendar, red marks occasions when we celebrate the work of the Holy Spirit in the world. Today we observe the Anniversary of the founding of Saint Luke 141 long and eventful years ago. In our liturgy, we give thanks for the courage and faith of the founders, for dedicated pastors, teachers, and staff,f and for parishioners and friends who have supported the work of the Lord with their gifts and prayers.
Today we commemorate the founding of Saint Luke Church in 1884 and celebrate 141 years of blessing. This morning we celebrate, with a festival service, the faith, courage, and determination of our Founders and give thanks for all the blessings bestowed on their mission. Saint Luke has been privileged to preach the Gospel in this location for 141 years and it is our fervent prayer that God would continue to bless and direct our work on behalf of God’s people both here in Lakeview and throughout the world.
Ways of Giving
Via Text
Click the image to visit our secure online portal.
Text the dollar amount you wish to donate to 833-988-0613
Through offering and our digital giving kiosk
Saint Luke Church
1500 West Belmont Avenue
Chicago, IL 60657-3108
Tel: 773-472-3383
Fax: 773-929-3910
E-Mail: info@stlukechicago.org
A congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
The church is wheelchair accessible.
Getting There
Saint Luke is located at the corner of Belmont and Greenview Avenues
(1500 W - 3200 N) in Chicago's Lake View neighborhood.
There is ample free parking in the parking structure behind the building. Enter from Melrose Street (1501 W. Melrose)
The area is served by the Brown and Red rapid transit lines and the Ashland and Belmont bus routes.