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a welcoming, inclusive worshiping community in the Lutheran tradition

Virtual and in-person Gatherings


      8:30 a.m. Bible Class (in-person)

      9:30 a.m. Worship (online and in-person)

      10:30 a.m. Coffee and Fellowship


      9:00 a.m. Worship Service


         12:00 p.m. Bible Study (online only)



Scroll down for online worship

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About this service

These forty days called Lent are like no other. It is our opportune time to return to the God who rescues, to receive the gifts of God’s grace, to believe with the heart and confess with the mouth the wonder of God’s love in Jesus, and to resist temptation at every turn. This is no small pilgrimage on which we have just embarked. It is a struggle Jesus knew. It is a struggle Jesus shares. The nearness of the Lord, in bread and wine, water and word, will uphold and sustain us.


Though we sometimes doubt and often resist God’s desire to protect and save us, our God persists. In holy baptism, God’s people have been called and gathered into a God initiated relationship that will endure. Lent provides the church with a time and a tradition in which to seek God’s face again. Lent provides another occasion to behold the God of our salvation in the face of the Blessed One who “comes in the name of the Lord.”


Sunday School

Sunday School is for all children ages Pre-School through Grade 6. In-Person Pre-School will meet during the school year from 8:30 – 9:15 A.M


We invite all 7th and 8th graders to learn about an exciting year of Confirmation programming with congregations in the Lakeview Lutheran Parish.

Bible Class

Get your lunch and join the weekly discussions about the Word for the upcoming Sunday with the community.

Ways of Giving

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Via Text


Simply Giving


In Person

Contact our office at 
(773) 472-3383 or email

Click the image to visit our secure online portal.

Text the dollar amount you wish to donate to 833-988-0613

Through offering and our digital giving kiosk


Saint Luke Church
1500 West Belmont Avenue
Chicago, IL 60657-3108

Tel: 773-472-3383
Fax: 773-929-3910


A congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

 The church is wheelchair accessible.

Getting There

Saint Luke is located at the corner of Belmont and Greenview Avenues

(1500 W - 3200 N) in Chicago's Lake View neighborhood.


There is ample free parking in the parking structure behind the building. Enter from Melrose Street (1501 W. Melrose)


The area is served by the Brown and Red rapid transit lines and the Ashland and Belmont bus routes.

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