Educational Milestones Preparing Children for Full Membership in the Church
Sunday School will resume on September 10!
Sunday School
Sunday School is for all children ages PreSchool through Grade 6. In-Person education time will be from 8:30 – 9:15 A.M. If you are interested in assisting with Sunday School, please contact info@stlukechicago.org or 773.472.3837).
Vacation Bible School
A one week series of evening sessions including Bible stories, songs, and coordinating activities centering around a faith-concept, usually in August.
Communion Preparation
At Saint Luke Church, children may commune at any age, generally when they are able to demonstrate a basic understanding of the sacrament and willingness to participate regularly in this new dimension in their life of faith.
Parents and children meet with the pastor for educational sessions after which the child is invited to assume his role as a communicant member. Contact the Church Office (773-472-3383) to set up an appointment.
Students in Saint Luke Academy's Grade 3 will receive communion preparation as part of their classroom religious instruction and make their 1st communion at the conclusion of the sessions.
Confirmation for 7th & 8th grade students meets the 1st Sunday of the month and is open to all students in the Lakeview Lutheran Parish (Holy Trinity, Lakeview Lutheran, Resurrection and Saint Luke) For more information call 773.472.3383 or email estampfl@stlukechicago.org.
Educational Opportunities for Adults
Discussions and conversations relating to the lessons for the week, as well as books addressing faith issues. See our Bible Class page.
Membership Classes
Individuals who are interested in learning about the Lutheran tradition with an eye toward membership are invited to contact Pastor Nelson (773-472-3383, info@stlukechicago.org) to set up a series of discussions to learn about the Lutheran Church.
Baptism Preparation
Anyone who desires to be baptized is invited to contact Pastor Nelson (773-472-3383, info@stlukechicago.org) to set up a course of study/discussion on
the tenets of the Christian faith.