9:30 AM The Holy Eucharist
Holy Communion is celebrated every Sunday - the chief service of the day. Within the framework of the Lutheran Liturgy, Saint Luke celebrates its rich heritage of rite, music, and pageantry, offering a diversity of experiences, old and new, traditional and exotic, to inspire the people of God in their praise and thanksgiving.
8:30 AM Education Hour
Sunday School for children aged PreSchool through Grade 6 meets in the school classrooms during the school year.
Public school Confirmation Class meets in the pastor's office.
Bible Class (adults and older students) meets in Memorial Hall.
10:30 AM Fellowship
After the Holy Eucharist, there is time to meet and greet one another over coffee or brunch or a special event luncheon.
9:00 AM - with the children of Saint Luke Academy
9:00 AM and 7:00 PM Holy Communion
During the Season of Lent the Eucharist is celebrated on Wednesday evenings in addition to the Wednesday morning services with Saint Luke Academy.
Special Services for holidays and celebrations
as announced

1500 W. Belmont, Chicago
Worship is the central act of the Saint Luke Community, the wellspring of our spirit of caring, the inspiration for all of our work in all other areas. Through worship, we connect with the source of our life and then reach out to our neighbor. The regular Sunday Schedule is enriched by weekday worship and the full range of worship for the liturgical seasons. The congregation is encouraged to be involved in worship at many different levels and the church's traditional rites enrich both individual and family life.