Worship Leaders

Worship Leaders
Worship Staff
Rev. David Nelson, Interim Pastor
Robert Johnson, Preaching Associate
Don Mead, Cantor
Timothy Colón-Geistlinger, Terry Duchow, Dennis Grabowski, Dale Hoiberg, Robert Kleisch, Assisting Ministers
Saint Luke Church offers many opportunities for individuals with a special interest in worship to offer their services in worship. Members interested in participating at the ministry level work with the Pastor in a series of training classes.
Junior High and High School students with an interest in service in worship may serve as:
Acolytes assist in worship in a variety of capacities. Students interested in service as acolytes begin training in Grade 5 of Saint Luke Academy and advance in duties and responsibilities as they advance through High School.
Individuals and families who wish to enrich their worship experience with additional levels of participation may offer their services as:
Individuals who assist worshipers before, after and during the service in a variety of ways.
Individuals who read lessons at services of Holy Communion, Morning Prayer and special services.
Individuals and families who offer the gifts during the offertory during services of Holy Communion.
Individuals who distribute the sacrament at services of Holy Communion.
Assisting Ministers
Lay persons with a special interest in worship who volunteer as worship leaders for services of Holy Communion and Morning and Evening Prayer.
Eucharistic Ministers
Lay persons who participate in the ministry to the hospitalized and homebound, visiting and bringing the sacrament.
Master Acolytes
Young people who have completed five years of service as acolytes are invested as Master Acolytes and assume additional responsibilities in the preparation for and participation in services.